Easily the most widely popular and recognizable of Vegeta’s fusions are with Goku as
The two have the capability of becoming either Gogeta or Vegito depending on the fusion method,
but Dragon Ball fans are forgetting about one fusion in particular that one could argue is Vegeta’s all-time strongest–and it’s not with Goku.
While the idea of fusions within Dragon Ball continuity technically started with
Piccolo as he was fusing with the likes of Nail and Kami long before any of the Saiyans,
The Namkeian method was more of a body and soul absorption rather than an amalgamation of two fighters becoming one.
The Fusion Dance is an intricate set of steps that two fighters of equal strength have to pull off perfectly in order to fuse for just thirty minutes max
The Potara Earrings is much easier as it doesn’t require any technique or ki-matching as all two people have to do is wear a Potara Earring
The two have the capability of becoming either Gogeta or Vegito depending on the fusion method.