Top 10 Best Animals in the World

10. Dogs: Dogs are loyal, friendly, and intelligent animals that have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years. 

9. Cats: Cats are independent, curious, and playful animals that can be both affectionate and aloof. 

8. Pandas: Pandas are adorable, gentle giants that are native to China. 

7. Elephants: Elephants are intelligent, social animals that are found in Africa and Asia. 

6. Dolphins: Dolphins are playful, intelligent creatures that are found in all oceans.  

5. Penguins: Penguins are flightless birds that are found in the Southern Hemisphere.  

3. Giraffes: Giraffes are the tallest land animals on Earth and are found in Africa .

2. Koalas: Koalas are marsupials that are found in Australia.  

1. Orcas: Orcas are also known as killer whales and are the largest species of dolphin.