8 Carnivorous Creatures That Can Smell Blood

Carnivores have an incredibly keen sense of smell, and blood is one of the scents they are most attuned to. 

Sharks have an excellent sense of smell, and can detect even a single drop of blood in the water from up to a mile away. 

Vultures have a keen sense of smell, and can locate carrion, including blood, from miles away.  

Wolves have a powerful sense of smell, and can track their prey by scent for miles.  

Bears have a strong sense of smell, and can detect the scent of blood, especially when they are hunting for food.

Coyotes have a keen sense of smell, and can detect the scent of blood when hunting for prey.  

 Hyenas have a strong sense of smell, and are known scavengers that can locate blood and carcasses. 

Komodo dragons have a keen sense of smell, and can detect the scent of blood from a distance.