These 10 Animals That Eat Their Own Flesh!

Vinita Mali

 It may seem strange, but many animals are known to eat their own flesh. 


Some female spiders, such as the black widow and the brown recluse, are known to eat male spiders after mating. 

Praying mantises 

Praying mantises are another type of insect that is known to engage in cannibalism. 


Hamsters are rodents that are sometimes kept as pets. However, they can also be stressed 


Rats are social animals that live in groups called colonies. 


Some species of fish, such as goldfish and bettas, are known to engage in cannibalism, especially when they are confined to small spaces or when they are injured. 


Hens are known to peck at each other's feathers, which can sometimes lead to cannibalism. 


Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, and they are also known to engage in cannibalism.

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