10 Animals That Dare to Challenge the King of the Jungle

 Hyenas: They're scavengers, but they'll also steal kills from lions.

Crocodiles: They're ambush predators that can take down lions at waterholes.

Leopards: They're solitary hunters that can take down young or injured lions.

Wild dogs: They're pack hunters that can overwhelm lions, even if they're healthy.

Elephants: They're the largest land animals and can defend themselves against lions.

Rhinoceroses: They're also very large and can charge at lions if they feel threatened.

Hippopotamuses: They're aggressive and territorial and will attack lions if they come too close.

Cape buffalo:  They're known for their ferocity and will fight to the death if they're cornered.

Mongooses: They're small but feisty and can deliver painful bites to lions.

Honey badgers:  They're fearless and have been known to take on lions and win.