10 Ways You Might Be Ordering Wrong At Chipotle

1. Asking for a burrito instead of a bowl. A bowl is often a healthier option than a burrito because it has less calories and fat.

Settling for half and half meat when you really want extra. If you really want extra meat, ask for it.

Skimping on more ingredients. Don't be afraid to ask for extra rice, beans, salsa, or vegetables.

Asking for more ingredients at the wrong time. 

Not using the Chipotle app. The Chipotle app has a lot of great features, like coupons and the ability to order ahead.

Not using Chipotle's nutrition calculator. The Chipotle nutrition calculator can help you track your calories and macros.

Not customizing your order. Chipotle is all about customization, so don't be afraid to ask for what you want.

Not eating your leftovers. Chipotle is a great option for leftovers. 

Not washing your hands after eating. It's important to wash your hands after eating at any restaurant, but it's especially important at Chipotle  

Not tipping your server. Chipotle employees are paid minimum wage, so tipping is appreciated.